The Public Interest Law Centre
The Public Interest Law Centre (‘PILC’) is a non-governmental organization founded and incorporated in the Republic of Maldives on 11th February 2019 by a group of lawyers and law students with three key goals – (1) improving access to justice in the Maldives by providing legal aid and pro bono legal services to economically and socially marginalized individuals and groups; (2) empowering individuals and civil society through awareness programs, capacity building programs and strategic litigation; and (3) facilitating and encouraging law reform by identifying statutes, regulations and areas of law that need reform and lobbying the legislature and relevant government authorities to encourage such reform. Our work is, therefore, focused primarily on areas of public interest, such as employment, human rights, civil rights and liberties, social welfare, government accountability, and legal reform.
Our Mission
Our mission is to educate, litigate, and advocate on behalf the socially and economically marginalised individuals and groups, with a view towards promoting the rule of law and fostering positive changes to the country.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a society where all members of the society have equal access to a justice system that is fair and is free from undue influence, corruption, and discrimination.